Invitation to the 34rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, June 23-26, 2026, Ancona, Italy
The 34th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED'26) returns to Ancona, Italy, two decades after its last edition hosted by the Università Politecnica delle Marche (
The conference will commence with an engaging programme of Tutorials and Workshops on June 23, followed by the technical conference from June 24-26. The MED’26 theme centers on cyber-physical system solutions tailored for SMIs, start-ups, and applications in extreme environments, resonating with the innovative spirit of the Marche region.
Set along the stunning Adriatic coast, Ancona is more than a historic destination; it stands as a dynamic hub for automation, control systems, and cutting-edge research in maritime technology, cyber-physical systems, and innovative start-ups. The city embodies the renowned “Marche model” of collaborative innovation, where academic institutions, research bodies, and small and medium enterprises work closely together, fostering a distinctive environment for advancement in technology and applied sciences.
We look forward to seeing you in Ancona!
Important Dates
4 February 2026
Deadline of submission (Contributed Papers / Invited Papers / Invited Session Proposals / Tutorial and Workshop Proposals)
15 April 2026
Acceptance / Rejection Notification
6 May 2026
Upload final, Camera Ready Papers
15 April to 6 May 2026
Early Registration
23 June 2026
June 24-26, 2026