* * * Deadline 03 FEBRUARY 2026 * * *

Please note that the maximum number of pages per submitted paper is six (6), including all illustrations and references. If your paper is accepted, you have the option to add up to two (2) additional pages in the final version to incorporate reviewers’ suggestions. (Be aware that additional pages will incur an extra charge)

The 34th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED’26, returns to the city of Ancona, Italy. The conference will take place at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, a landmark institution that last hosted MED two decades ago, symbolizing a pivotal return to a region renowned for its innovation and collaboration.

MED’26 spans four days, from June 23-26, under the auspices of the Università Politecnica delle Marche. The first day, June 23, will be dedicated to Tutorials and Workshops, while the subsequent three days, June 24-26, will feature the technical conference, fostering knowledge exchange and collaboration among control and automation scientists and industry professionals.

The MED’26 theme addresses the challenges and opportunities in cyber-physical system solutions, with a particular focus on SMIs, start-ups, and extreme environments. This aligns closely with Ancona’s dynamic ecosystem, integrating advances in maritime technology, automation, and cutting-edge innovation driven by the Marche’s renowned “Marche model” of collaborative research and industry partnerships. The Marche region is home to globally recognized research institutions such as ISME and CNR-IRBIM, providing a strong foundation for advancements in marine control systems, biodiversity studies, and dual-use technologies. Proximity to industry leaders like Civitanavi and institutions such as the Italian Navy Schools Command HQ ensures a fertile environment for exploring innovative applications in control and automation.


Adaptive Control Energy Efficient Systems Non-linear Systems
Aerospace Control Event-Based Systems Optimization
Agents/Agent-based Systems Fault-tolerant Control Petri Nets
Autonomous Systems Formation Control Power Systems
Autonomy Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Control Predictive control
Biologically Inspired Systems Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Process control
Computational Intelligence Hybrid Systems Prognostics and Diagnostics
Computer Aided Control System Design Image Processing Real-time Control
Computer Controlled Systems Industrial Automation, Manufacturing Robotics
Communication Systems Integrated Control and Diagnostics Robust Control
Cooperative Systems Control Intelligent Control SmartGrid
Cyber Physical Systems Intelligent Transportation Systems Soft Computing
Decentralized Control Linear Systems Spectral Estimation
Digital Control Systems Max-Plus Systems Swarms - Cooperative Robotics
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems Marine Control System Identification
Distributed Parameter Systems Mechatronic Systems Uncertain Systems
Disturbance Rejection Modeling and Simulation Unmanned Systems
Education and Training Network Controlled Systems Verification and Validation
Embedded Control Systems Neural Networks Virtual and Augmented Reality


Papers: The paper format must follow IEEE paper submission rules, two-column format using 10-point font, Times New Roman or similar. The maximum number of pages per submitted paper is six (6), including all illustrations and references. Up to two (2) additional pages will be permitted for accepted papers at the final submission phase, for an additional charge. The option to add extra pages (after review) serves to enable authors to include the feedback and suggestions provided by reviewers.

Invited Sessions: Proposals for invited sessions should contain a summary statement describing the motivation and relevance of the proposed session, the invited paper titles and the names of the authors. Authors must submit FULL invited papers. Each paper must be marked as “Invited Session Paper”.

Workshops and Tutorials: Proposals for workshops and tutorials should contain the title, list of speakers, and extended summaries (2000 words) of their presentations.

All contributions (papers, invited papers, proposals for invited sessions, workshops, and tutorials) must be submitted electronically through PaperCept by the submission deadline.

Review: All submitted papers will undergo a peer review process coordinated by the Program Chairs, Advisory Committee Members, IPC members and qualified reviewers. Authors will be notified of results by the deadline. Accepted papers must be uploaded electronically by the deadline.

Important Dates

4 February 2026

Deadline of submission (Contributed Papers / Invited Papers / Invited Session Proposals / Tutorial and Workshop Proposals)

15 April 2026

Acceptance / Rejection Notification

6 May 2026

Upload final, Camera Ready Papers

15 April to 6 May 2026

Early Registration

23 June 2026


June 24-26, 2026
