Registration Link

You can register for the conference at the following link: (available at the end of 2025)

Registration Fees and Policy

The MED’26 Registration Fee structure applies to in-person attendance. Registration is mandatory for all conference participants, including authors and non-authors. All fees are in euros (€).

Attendee Status Advance/Early
(April 15 - May 6)
(May 7 - June 23)
Max. # of papers
per registration
Regular Registration €600 €700 2
Student Registration €300 €380 1
Retiree €300 €300 1
Full-Day Workshop/Tutorial €200 €240 -
Extra paper (above 2) upload fee per paper €240 - -
Additional one-page charge (max. 2 pages) €130 - -
Guest Registration (all social events) €180 €200 -
Extra Welcome Reception Ticket €50 €50 -
Extra Farewell Reception Ticket €50 €50 -
Extra Banquet Ticket €100 €100 -

Registration Fee Details

All registered participants will receive complimentary internet access.

Registration Cancellation and Refund Policy

MED’26 is a four-day event, starting with Workshops/Tutorials on June 23, followed by the Conference on June 24-26. The cancellation policy is as follows:

Author Registration

Authors of accepted papers must register upon uploading the final versions of their papers. A regular registration covers up to two (2) papers, as indicated in the table above.

Exhibitor/Sponsor Registration

Complimentary registration is included in exhibitor and sponsor packages.